It’s great to attend the OpenNebulaCon, this year taking place online from May 31 – June 2, 2022, yet being a speaker… is even better! 🤓 Come share your insights and experiences with the OpenNebula Community. Whether you are an OpenNebula expert or a first-timer with a fresh look, it will be great to have your insight.

This is a great opportunity to connect with your peers and to collaborate with the broader OpenNebula Community, and we will provide you with the resources and platform for you to share your knowledge and gain some pointed recognition, at the same time. Presentation topics are wide open, although we have a few ones that we would like to suggest.

If you have a dynamic perspective or unique experiences to share, submit a proposal until April 8th! 🗓️

We look forward to hearing from you!

Submit Your Proposal!